With these lines I would like to encourage all affected women. HPV or dysplasia does not mean surgery. After some naturopathic attempts, my gynecologist urged me to have the operation with the HPV16 / CIN III diagnosis. Due to personal history, I had an extreme aversion to surgical intervention in the genital area. In my search for alternatives, I found Professor Speiser with his other proven methods.
Although trichloroacetic acid has been used successfully in the AIN area for many years, the method for cervix and co. is not represented in any other country than Austria. It was clear to me that I would go to an expert. So in July 2018 I flew from Switzerland to Vienna.
The application of trichloroacetic acid was only briefly painful but bearable without anesthesia. Probably because of the excitement, I had weak knees for a few hours afterwards and recovered in the hotel at the airport. The first check after that took place at the beginning of September and everything was fine again. So I’m probably one of the 82% who have already been successfully treated after a first intervention!
A follow-up check 6 months later with my gynecologist in Switzerland, who was very skeptical, was also positive. Likewise, the aggressive HPV16 with the immune booster trichloroacetic acid seems to have disappeared from the scene!
Dear women – dare to give preference to the well-functioning alternative to surgery. The procedure is much better tolerated by the body (and costs much less than surgery). That is my personal belief! I hope that this method will soon become the standard in Switzerland, Germany and Co…